Riddle #1053

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A public library suddenly announced that each member could borrow an unlimited number of books and not return them for up to six months. Why?
The library was moving to a new building, but due to poor budgeting, they had little money left for the move. By giving borrowers extra time, it ensures that the borrowers moved most of the books.
58.88 %
124 votes

A man takes a barrel that weighs 20 pounds and puts something in it. It now weighs less than 20 pounds. What did he put in the barrel?
He put a hole in the barrel to make it weigh less.
70.29 %
103 votes

You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don't see a single person on the boat. Why?
All the people were married.
73.90 %
96 votes