Riddle #477

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A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender reaches under the bar and brings out a gun and aims it at the man. The man says thank you and leaves. What happened?
The man had the hiccups and the water helped him stop it, and the gun scared him which also help stop his hiccups as well.
72.26 %
90 votes

A woman depended on a public telephone to make her calls, but it was usually out of order. Each day she reported this to the phone company, but nothing was done. Finally she came up with a fib that she told the phone company. The phone was fixed the next day. What did she tell them?
She told them that people were making calls without having to pay.
61.71 %
168 votes

Your bike crashed into the dark forest and suddenly you saw and deadly panther and jaguar. You got just one bullet. What is your escape strategy?
Simple, you must shoot the panther and drive off in the jaguar (car).
71.50 %
71 votes