Riddle #72

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A black dog stands in the middle of an intersection in a town painted black. None of the street lights are working due to a power failure caused by a storm. A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns in time to avoid hitting him. How could the driver have seen the dog in time?
It was daylight.
74.87 %
132 votes

One day a boss said to her employees, "I can fight and beat any man who works here." A new employee, a seven-foot-tall ex-prize fighter, stood up to take on the boss. The boss kept her word, but did not beat the man or back down. What did the boss do?
She fired the new employee on the spot.
71.59 %
108 votes

How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
Concrete floors are very hard to crack.
71.37 %
127 votes

If a green man lives in a green house, a purple man lives in a purple house, a blue man lives in a blue house, a yellow man lives in a yellow house, a black man lives in a black house. Who lives in a White house?
The President.
69.38 %
81 votes